The preconscious mind is the latent part of the brain which is unconsciously available all the time. It’s a storage space where information is kept just below the surface of our awareness. This part of our mind plays an important role in retrieving memories and making connections between our conscious and unconscious thoughts. It’s where ideas simmer before bubbling up into our conscious awareness, influencing our thoughts and actions in subtle ways.
This article will go over the preconscious and its causes. In this guide, a detailed examination of the benefits of a preconscious mind is provided. We will also figure out the benefits of online therapy sessions. For further assistance, let’s dig in…

Table of Contents
ToggleWhat Is Preconscious Mind
The preconscious mind serves as a crucial intermediary between our conscious and unconscious thoughts. Think of it as a mental storage space just below the surface of our awareness. It acts like a waiting room for ideas, influencing our conscious thoughts and behaviors in subtle ways.
Freud believed that there are three parts of the mind: Id, ego, and superego. It further leads to conscious preconscious and unconscious mind.
Freud And The Preconscious
Freud published a book in 1899 named “The Interpretation of Dreams”. The context of the book was that thoughts are the major components of the human mind. Freud was the first clinical psychologist who attempted to give a scientific classification of the self. He believed that biology had a large influence on psychological development. He believed that people are motivated by two fundamental needs:
- The life instinct or life drive is another name for the Eros drive. It is associated with basic life functions such as sexual reproduction, hunger, and pain avoidance. The Eros drive, according to Freud, generates positive emotions and prosocial interactions.
- The death instinct or drive is another name for the Thanatos drive. It is opposed to Eros and drives people to death and destructive behavior.
Sigmund Freud established the concept of the preconscious mind as an extension of his psychoanalytic theory. Within this concept, the mind is separated into 3 levels of the mind: conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. It stores thoughts and memories that are not immediately accessible but are easily brought into consciousness. The preconscious mind serves as a link between preconscious ideas and the hidden portions of the unconscious mind, storing memories from childhood or recent experiences that may be recovered when needed. Freud felt that digging into these subconscious aspects might provide useful insights into an individual’s behavior and feelings.
The Id, Ego, And Superego
Let’s break down the mind according to Freud’s iceberg idea. It mainly contains three parts
- Id: This is the basic survival zone. It’s all about needs like eating and reproduction. If someone can’t meet these needs, it can cause feelings like anxiety or anger. Freud thought this part showed up first in childhood.
- Ego: Think of the ego as the reality-checker. It helps you satisfy those id needs but in ways that society is cool with. It is the same as your mind says” Others don’t like this, so I won’t do this.
- Superego: This is the moral compass. It guides you on what’s right and wrong based on your principles. According to Freud, this part shows up last as you grow and adopt moral values.
So, in a nutshell, we’ve got the survival-focused Id, the reality-checking Ego, and the moral-guiding Superego, all playing their parts in the human mind.
How the Preconscious Mind Affects Behaviour
It plays a significant role in our behaviors. This part of the mind is responsible for our automatic thoughts and behaviors. An example of this can be;
When you’re driving a car, you don’t have to consciously think about everything that’s involved in driving such as turning the corner or shifting gears. These actions are stored in your preconscious mind and are automatic behaviors.
It is also responsible for our emotional responses. Let’s take the example of the snake once more. If you see a snake, you may experience fear without having to consciously think about the response. This fear response is in your mind and can be triggered by whatever you fear at that moment.
Benefits Of The Preconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind can be extremely beneficial. It may offer several advantages that the conscious mind cannot provide on its own. Here are a few ways the subconscious can help you.
Memory Storage
Long-term memories are not always present in front of our minds. They often chill in the preconscious and unconscious zones. Why? Because our conscious mind mostly stores what we’re actively thinking, feeling, or wanting right now. Our brain is an excellent storage space.
Intuitive Understanding
Most often, we get gut feelings, right? That is what intuition is! But guess what, most of the time, it’s been dissolved in thoughts – hanging out in the unconscious state. It’s like having a vibe about something without exactly knowing why. Thoughts, sometimes we know about them, not so much. Sometimes trusting this intuitive sense can be a real game-changer for boosting confidence and hitting those success notes.
So, here’s the adulting truth: we often like to figure things out and decide what feels right for us. Whereas, when it comes to big life decisions, we lean on our inner wisdom.
Amazingly, our subconscious is like a treasure chest of knowledge. It’s got all these experiences and info stored up. Even stuff that happened ages ago can still teach you things. It’s like having a personal library in your mind that’s always open for business.
How Therapists Work With the Preconscious
Therapists can work with the preconscious of your mind in making decisions. This could be related to work, relationships, or mental health conditions. Therapists use various types of therapies, whether they are online or in person.
Connecting Memories
A skilled therapist can help you remember relevant facts and events, allowing you to draw your conclusions. If your psychologist knows your background, they might suggest recalling specific childhood experiences when resolving conflicts with your child. By connecting these memories in your conscious mind, the therapist assists you in understanding differences and similarities between conflicts with a child and conflicts with an adult
Teaching You Through Your Own Experiences
Therapists can help you connect memories from your preconscious to the conscious thoughts you’re having during the session. This way, they may help activate your mental resources. Moving from stored information to conscious thought may make it easier for you to make connections on your own.
Fine-Tuning Your Awareness
The primary benefit of having information in your subconscious mind is the ability to use it quickly. We can usually only make rational decisions based on what we are currently aware of. The choices we make about what to be aware of can significantly impact our decision-making. After gaining insight, a therapist may suggest a potentially difficult situation. While the information may not be locked in your conscious mind, you can access it from your preconscious mind as soon as the therapy begins.
Preconsciousness and Therapy
In psychotherapy, the unconscious mind may play a significant role. Therapists frequently inquire about their clients’ lives, which frequently aids them in dealing with preconscious memories. This can assist clients in combining preconscious thoughts with new lessons to develop solutions that result in significant changes.
Memory recall can be difficult for people suffering from a variety of mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, substance use disorder, and others, but a licensed therapist can help improve memory and reduce unwanted symptoms.
Benefits of Online Therapy
There are several advantages to using internet treatment. It’s tough to find time to improve your awareness while you’re busy. Online treatment might be beneficial in this situation. In general, you will not be required to visit the therapist’s office and wait in the waiting area. You will be booked for an interview in the convenience of your own home or workplace.
If you wish to examine your subconscious mind in your adult life, online therapy is the greatest alternative.
In conclusion, thе Preconscious mind , rеsiding just bеlow our conscious awarеnеss, plays a crucial rolе in shaping thoughts and bеhaviors. Thе prеconscious, acting as a mеntal waiting room for idеas, influеncеs our actions and rеsponsеs in subtlе ways. Thеrapists lеvеragе thе prеconscious in various ways, hеlping individuals connеct mеmoriеs, accеss innеr wisdom, and makе informеd dеcisions, whеthеr through traditional or onlinе thеrapy. Online therapies have proved to be really effective for maintaining and understanding oneself.